Argh. I left my camera in the car, and I'm far too lazy to want to get it now, so pictures from today will have to wait till tomorrow. Sorry, Rana.
Made it a slow start today to get some rest at the beginning of the three week return. After setting up the cameras for the first time in 3 months, and bidding farewell to the kids, I hit the the stores. 45 minutes later, I had a large stack of new AAA Tourbooks in the back seat, new wiper blades, and a shiny washed car.
Another 30 minutes south on I-95 took me into Providence, RI, right by Brown University. A relaxed shawarma lunch with the redoubtable dho was followed by a private tour of his rat lab. Got to see their setup for assembling electrodes with which to probe rat brains, and the test chamber in which the rats run back and forth. Gives me a real appreciation for...not having to thread .006" wires into tubes to get a Ph.D.
The quickest route from Providence to Ithaca is to cut back up north onto I-90, the Massachusetts Turnpike. Two problems there - 1) I've already taken that road and 2) I refuse to pay any more tolls on the $#@! Mass Pike after being charged a toll to go half a mile in Boston. To change it up, I took US-6 W across Rhode Island and clear across Connecticut. The leaves are starting to change. It's pretty.
I wasn't done confusing the GPS - once inside New York, I opted to take NY-17 up past the Catskills, which was also a very nice drive:
A few hours later, I arrived in Ithaca. One thing I'll have to note that's changed from the last time out - it gets dark a lot earlier in the day now...
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